The forerunner of the VIC-1541 was the VIC-1540, which is only usable at the VIC-20 and to the disks could be saved about 166 KB. Moreover it was the only Commodore drive that allowed it to build subdirectories. With the disk drive 1581 also 3.5" disks could be used on the C64/128. The disk drive 1571 is compatible with the formats of the disk drives VIC-1541, 1551, 1570, 40. This operating mode only works with the C64 and the C128. So a total of 349.696 bytes are available in the GCR storage format, this corresponds to 1366 blocks, of which 1328 (approx. The maximum storage capacity is here 500.000 bytes per disk side (with the drive 1581: 1.000.000 bytes).Īs the disk drive 1571 has two reading and writing heads, it can read on both sides without turning over the disk. In the MFM format saving is done in bytes. The disk drives 1570/15 (usable with a VIC-20, C16/64/116/128,Plus/4) can next to the GCR storage format additionally handle the MFM format (Modified Frequency Modulation used with disk drives for PC systems). With the help of a disk puncher the reverse side could be made readable. Here the front and the reverse side could be formatted. With the C64 (also usable for the VIC-20, C128 and Plus/4) the format 5.25" DD (although the 1S and HD formats are applicable, too) are used for the disk drives Commodore 1541, 15. 300 byte/s and could be raised to up to 10 Kbyte/s by corresponding floppy speeders. The data transfer rate of the disk drives was approx. Furthermore a maximum of 144 files can be put on a disk side in the GCR format.

As one block corresponds the size of 256 bytes and the maximum storage capacity of a 5.25" SS-disk is 174,848 bytes, there are as result 683 blocks, of which 664 blocks (approx. The specification of the diskette capacity of Commodore computers is done according to the GCR storage format (Group Coded Recording) in blocks.